Once you’ve added a product to your account, you’re able to create offers for it any time you choose.
N.B. If you haven’t yet added the product you want to list to your account, please see this article on Adding a new product first.
IMPORTANT: When creating offers, make sure you select the correct day from the top of your Offers page first. The day you select is the day the product will arrive in Boulogne-sur-Mer for the buyer to collect. |
To create an offer…
- Open your Offers page and select the day you want to list your stock for at the top
- Find the product you want to create an offer for in the “Your products” section
- Once you’ve found the product row:
- Enter an optional batch number
- Add the quantity (number of boxes)
- Select the packing weight
- Enter your price (€ / kg)
Once you’ve entered the details, you’ll see two options at the bottom of your screen:
Create without sharing and Create and share with contacts
Create without sharing will put your listing live in the marketplace for buyers to see.
Create and share with contacts will put your listing live in the marketplace and open the listing in your Whatsapp so you can share it with your contacts. The message template includes a link directly to your listing that people can follow to make a purchase.